"Un site d'achat de vêtements et d'accessoires proposant de la mode et des surprises abordables, vendant :Les femmes enceintes,chaussures,accessoires,enfant,Les femmes,hommes,Hoodie,Grande taille,manteaux,Combinaison et pantalon, "
"Un site d'achat de vêtements et d'accessoires proposant de la mode et des surprises abordables, vendant :Les femmes enceintes,chaussures,accessoires,enfant,Les femmes,hommes,Hoodie,Grande taille,manteaux,Combinaison et pantalon, " "Un site d'achat de vêtements et d'accessoires proposant de la mode et des surprises abordables, vendant :Les femmes enceintes,chaussures,accessoires,enfant,Les femmes,hommes,Hoodie,Grande taille,manteaux,Combinaison et pantalon, "
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A Game of Delinquent School Girls and the Demons They Fight


What is THIS game?

PRETEND you are a Girl*
and that you are in School
School sucks.
Some cutesy space god gave you magical powers.
Now you have to fight demons.
In some girly ass costume that rides up.
It’s enough to drive a girl to drink.
If you already didn’t have a pack a day habit.

Roll Some Dice to Deal with THAT Shit.

*You don’t need to be a girl. Your character doesn’t need to be a girl. Neither do you have to be Feminine. I mean, you’re playing fucking delinquents.

Shit You Need

• Friends or people you’ve roped into playing this game who aren’t assholes.
• This book.
• Dice. All of them.
• This is like school so you need a pencil and some paper for everybody.
• No there is no official character sheet. Improvise.

The Team

Written By Jennifer Unpleasant
Published By Axes & Orcs

No Fascists

If you think the author, or the publisher, would call you a fascist, Nazi, or TERF, 1) you probably are, 2) fuck off, and 3) this game isn’t for you, get bent. Go cry in your shitty forum.

Magisk Tjej, A Game Of Delinquent School Girls And The Demons They Fight is an independent production by Axes & Orcs and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

28 pages, 5 x 7.52", saddle stitched zine, color cover, black & white interior.

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"Un site d'achat de vêtements et d'accessoires proposant de la mode et des surprises abordables, vendant :Les femmes enceintes,chaussures,accessoires,enfant,Les femmes,hommes,Hoodie,Grande taille,manteaux,Combinaison et pantalon, "
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